Sunday, August 5, 2012

Holding On with All Fours

Two days ago when I was having my devotions outside on my Grandpas porch, I was reading in Isaiah. And I came across verse 4 of chapter 25, "Fo Thou has been a strength to the poor, a strength to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shadow from the heat, when the blast of the terrible one is as a storm..." And as I was thinking about it, and thinking about how God has been such a strength for me every time I needed him most. Then as I was looking at the nature around me, I saw a little squirrel that ran up the tree beside me. The first thing I noticed was that he was climbing the tree with all four of his claws holding tight to the tree. Then as he was going up and down the tree, and around it, he was often upside down. I was thinking, wow...that would be so cool to be able to climb a tree upside down! Then as I was thinking more, God began to show me, that often in life we are climbing the tree upside down. Our lives get turned upside down, but do we go back down the tree? or do we continue to push upwards? And the only way the squirrel was able to climb up the tree backwards was because he was holding onto the tree tightly with all four of his feet. In the same way, when our lives are turned upside down, we can still climb upwards if we are holding on to Christ with all we have.


  1. Thank you so much for those encouraging words Kalyse. It's not easy for me right now and that really helped me remember that I can cling on to God and continually climb upwards with Him. (:
