Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Embrace the Cross

Every morning when I wake up, the hardest thing about my day is getting out of bed. I am not a morning person. But I just can't seem to spend enough time in my devotions. Every morning I wish that I could have spent longer. Every morning, I long for even more time with my Saviour...I can't wait till one day, we will be with Him forever! So, because I value this time in the mornings with Jesus, I get up early. As much as my head and heart love this time spent in devotions, my body does not appreciate it too well. I have to force and drag myself out of bed. I have to plead with God every morning to give me the strength to get out of bed and make it through the day. Often when I wake up, I wake up from a beautiful dream. Then reality hits me. I have 3 classes today, 6 hours of work, orchestra practice, and hardly anytime to study, let alone eat. These thoughts can get very discouraging. I don't want to make effort. I just want to stay in bed where life is easy. Especially yesterday morning, I was very discouraged. My sleep that weekend was very sporadic, and now I had a pretty tough day to face. All I could think, was, "Why does life have to be so hard?" And it wasn't just me either. Many of the people closest to me, ones that I love dearly, were having a terrible day as well. And because I longed to help them and fix things so they could be happy, it was hard for me. Because there was nothing I could do. I was struggling too, and I couldn't give them, what I didn't have. As I went to have my devotions in a quiet room, I poured out my tears and fears to God. Then a song came into my mind...

I am crucified with Christ
Therefore I no longer live
Jesus Christ now lives in me.

Embrace the cross
Where Jesus suffered
Though it will cost
All you claim as yours
Your sacrifice will seem small
Beside the treasure
Eternity can't measure
What Jesus holds in store.

Embrace the love
The cross requires
Cling to the One
Whose heart knew every pain
Receive from Jesus
Fountains of compassion
Only He can fashion
Your heart to move as His

O wondrous cross our desires rest in you
Lord Jesus make us bolder
To face with courage the shame and disgrace
You bore upon Your shoulder

Embrace the life
That comes from dying
Come trace the steps
The Savior walked for you
An empty tomb
Concludes Golgatha's sorrow
Endure then till tomorrow
Your cross of suffering

Embrace the cross
Embrace the cross
The cross of Jesus
-Steve Green

As I listened to this song, I was filled with strength. I could feel it. I left my devotions that morning with determination to be a conquerer. Jesus had to carry a cross, and with His strength, I can carry my tiny little one. As I was filled with strength, it gave me joy, because now I could work to help others who were having a difficult day. If not by anything else, with my prayers. I am crucified with Christ, therefore I no longer live...Jesus Christ now lives in me...I must not think selfishly of everything I have to face, but think of making Jesus happy and reaching out to those around me. And eternity can't measure what Jesus has in store....

1 comment:

  1. I still remember singing this song with you! And the parts we sang.... :) I miss you! Wish you could come and sing with me right now!
