Thursday, February 23, 2012

My Morning Devotions

Hi Everyone!
Here are some things that I learned in my devotions this morning, and I thought I would share them with you!

I read in HDL p. 43, and this quote really inspired me:
"Be not satisfied with reaching a low standard. We are not what we might be, or what it is God's will that we should be. God has given us reasoning powers, not to remain inactive, or to be perverted to earthly and sordid pursuits, but that they may be developed to the utmost, refined, sanctified, ennobled, and used in advancing the interests of His kingdom."
The trials that come upon us in life, accomplish the purpose of helping us to be 'what it is God's will that we should be'.  They aid us in reaching that high standard that Christ has called us to.

I also read the story about the rich young ruler in Matthew 19:16-22. And it kind of goes along with one of my previous posts. The one about Abraham. Abraham was willing to make that "sacrifice" for God, and in contrast, the rich young ruler wasn't willing to make that "sacrifice" for God. Look at what each person was "sacrificing". Abraham was giving up his son, his only son. What a treasure! The rich young ruler, was giving up his wealth. Money's value decreases greatly when compared to the value of  relationships, such as Abraham and his son. But the rich young ruler wasn't able to give up his. He couldn't see past this earth. Here he was seeking for eternal life, but the "idol" that kept him from gaining that eternal life, was so trivial. Money? really? He wouldn't trade the money of this world, for eternal life? Pray that we NEVER make that same mistake. We must have the same faith that Abraham did. That whatever God asks us to "give up" in this world, will be worth it when we gain heaven.