Friday, February 10, 2012


Last night, I decided to sleep outside. Oddly, it was peaceful. Even with the noise of traffic and the dim light from the street lights. Sleeping on the soft bark chips of the playground was ironically more comfortable then the carpeted floors of the Sabbath School rooms. As I was brushing the bark chips off my socks and getting ready to crawl into my warm sleeping bag, I heard my name whispered. "Kalyse. Do you want to pray with me?" And I looked up into the face of my good friend Amaris. She had also made the decision to sleep outside. "Yes! I would love to pray with you!" We sat and chatted briefly about our day, and mentioned several praises and prayer requests. Then we lifted our thoughts and voices to our heavenly Father. This was such a perfect end to my day. It was like a breath of fresh air when one feels as if they are suffocating. Prayer. What a gift. I want to challenge you to pray with at least one person today. You will gain a blessing, and so will your partner. Thank you Amaris!

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